O grupo Novos Medios publica en Palgrave Macmillan un novo libro sobre os valores dos medios de comunicación públicos

O libro “The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society” vén de ser publicado pola editorial Palgrave Macmillan. Este volume recompila o traballo dun equipo internacional de máis de 40 investigadores e investigadoras arredor do valor dos medios de comunicación de servizo público e dos retos e das oportunidades aos que se enfrontan no actual contexto dixital.

As 16 contribucións que conforman este volume estrutúranse en tres bloques temáticos precedidos dunha introdución: 1) estratexias de innovación, 2) gobernanza e regulación e 3) reforzo democrático. Ao longo dos distintos capítulos configúrase unha panorámica sobre os principais valores, tanto tradicionais como recentes, que distinguen ao servizo audiovisual público, desde a alfabetización mediática ata o seu impulso ás industrias creativas do seu territorio.

“The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society”, editado por Miguel Túñez-López, Francisco Campos-Freire e Marta Rodríguez-Castro, forma parte dos resultados das actividades do proxecto “Novos valores, gobernanza, financiación e servizos audiovisuais públicos para a sociedade de Internet: contrastes europeos e españois” (RTI2018-096065-B-I00), impulsado polo grupo Novos Medios.

O libro está dispoñible na web de Palgrave Macmillan e en SpringerLink.



  1. Introduction. The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Sociey (Marta Rodríguez-Castro, Francisco Campos-Freire, Miguel Túñez-López)
  2. Public Service Broadcasting and Democracy: Main Research Topics and Suggestions for the Future (Manuel Goyanes)

Innovation Strategies

  • Public Service Media in the Age of Platformization of Culture and Society (Tiziano Bonini Baldini, Miguel Túñez-López, Almudena Barrientos Báez)
  • Can Automated Strategies Work for PSM in a Network Society? Engaging Digital Intermediation for Informed Citizenry (Jonathon Hutchinson, Jannick Kirk Sørensen)
  • Are Public Service Media Necessary in the Transmedia Era? (Esteban Galán-Cubillo, María Soler-Campillo, Javier Marzal-Felici)
  • Public Service Media and Blockchain Technology: First Thoughts (Juan Carlos Miguel-de-Bustos, Jessica Izquierdo-Castillo)
  • Analysis of the Quality of the Websites of Regional Public Television Networks in the European Union: Comparative Study Between Spain, Germany, and Belgium (Ana María López-Cepeda, Belén Galletero-Campos, Vanesa Saiz-Echezarreta)

Governance and Regulation

  • The Governance of Public Service Media for the Internet Society (Francisco Campos-Freire, Martín Vaz-Álvarez, María José Ufarte Ruiz)
  • Canadian Communication Policies in the Post-Netflix Era (Michel Sénécal, Éric George)
  • Public Service Media Interventions: Risk and the Market (Marta Rodríguez-Castro, Caitriona Noonan, Phil Ramsey)
  • Media and the Internet Access Providers in an Era of Convergence (Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Françoise Benhamou)

Democratic Reinforcement

  1. Media Capture and Its Contexts: Developing a Comparative Framework for Public Service Media (Marius Dragomir, Minna Aslama Horowitz)
  2. The Challenge of Media and Information Literacy for Public Service Media (José Manuel Pérez Tornero, Alton Grizzle, Cristina M. Pulido, Sally S. Tayie)
  3. Electoral Debates in Television and Democratic Quality: Value Indicators (Iván Puentes-Rivera, Paulo-Carlos López-López, José Rúas-Araújo)
  4. Trends on the Relationship Between Public Service Media Organizations and Their Audiences (Carmen Costa-Sánchez, Barbara Mazza, Ana Gabriela Frazão-Nogueira)
  5. State Media and Digital Citizenship in Latin America: Is There a Place for the Weak? Natalí Schejtman, Ezequiel Rivero, Martín Becerra

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