O libro “The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society” vén de ser publicado pola editorial Palgrave Macmillan. Este volume recompila o traballo dun equipo internacional de máis de 40 investigadores e investigadoras arredor do valor dos medios de comunicación de servizo público e dos retos e das oportunidades aos que se enfrontan no actual contexto dixital.
As 16 contribucións que conforman este volume estrutúranse en tres bloques temáticos precedidos dunha introdución: 1) estratexias de innovación, 2) gobernanza e regulación e 3) reforzo democrático. Ao longo dos distintos capítulos configúrase unha panorámica sobre os principais valores, tanto tradicionais como recentes, que distinguen ao servizo audiovisual público, desde a alfabetización mediática ata o seu impulso ás industrias creativas do seu territorio.
“The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society”, editado por Miguel Túñez-López, Francisco Campos-Freire e Marta Rodríguez-Castro, forma parte dos resultados das actividades do proxecto “Novos valores, gobernanza, financiación e servizos audiovisuais públicos para a sociedade de Internet: contrastes europeos e españois” (RTI2018-096065-B-I00), impulsado polo grupo Novos Medios.
O libro está dispoñible na web de Palgrave Macmillan e en SpringerLink.
- Introduction. The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Sociey (Marta Rodríguez-Castro, Francisco Campos-Freire, Miguel Túñez-López)
- Public Service Broadcasting and Democracy: Main Research Topics and Suggestions for the Future (Manuel Goyanes)
Innovation Strategies
- Public Service Media in the Age of Platformization of Culture and Society (Tiziano Bonini Baldini, Miguel Túñez-López, Almudena Barrientos Báez)
- Can Automated Strategies Work for PSM in a Network Society? Engaging Digital Intermediation for Informed Citizenry (Jonathon Hutchinson, Jannick Kirk Sørensen)
- Are Public Service Media Necessary in the Transmedia Era? (Esteban Galán-Cubillo, María Soler-Campillo, Javier Marzal-Felici)
- Public Service Media and Blockchain Technology: First Thoughts (Juan Carlos Miguel-de-Bustos, Jessica Izquierdo-Castillo)
- Analysis of the Quality of the Websites of Regional Public Television Networks in the European Union: Comparative Study Between Spain, Germany, and Belgium (Ana María López-Cepeda, Belén Galletero-Campos, Vanesa Saiz-Echezarreta)
Governance and Regulation
- The Governance of Public Service Media for the Internet Society (Francisco Campos-Freire, Martín Vaz-Álvarez, María José Ufarte Ruiz)
- Canadian Communication Policies in the Post-Netflix Era (Michel Sénécal, Éric George)
- Public Service Media Interventions: Risk and the Market (Marta Rodríguez-Castro, Caitriona Noonan, Phil Ramsey)
- Media and the Internet Access Providers in an Era of Convergence (Pierre-Jean Benghozi, Françoise Benhamou)
Democratic Reinforcement
- Media Capture and Its Contexts: Developing a Comparative Framework for Public Service Media (Marius Dragomir, Minna Aslama Horowitz)
- The Challenge of Media and Information Literacy for Public Service Media (José Manuel Pérez Tornero, Alton Grizzle, Cristina M. Pulido, Sally S. Tayie)
- Electoral Debates in Television and Democratic Quality: Value Indicators (Iván Puentes-Rivera, Paulo-Carlos López-López, José Rúas-Araújo)
- Trends on the Relationship Between Public Service Media Organizations and Their Audiences (Carmen Costa-Sánchez, Barbara Mazza, Ana Gabriela Frazão-Nogueira)
- State Media and Digital Citizenship in Latin America: Is There a Place for the Weak? Natalí Schejtman, Ezequiel Rivero, Martín Becerra